Fall Prevention Initiative
Be Strong. Be Balanced. Be Safe.
The initiative has come to an end.
The ATSPA no longer offers the Yellow Dot Program in our fall prevention bags. However, the informational rack card that is included in the bag still contains the Yellow Dot information. When reviewing the resources in the ATSPA fall prevention bag, encourage those receiving the resources to inquire about the Yellow Dot program through PennDOT. All other items in the fall prevention bag remain the same.
Please be sure your hospital is an ATSPA member, and you have the previous year's fall statistics showing your hospital staff treated older individuals who sustained a fall. If you have this information, please complete the pre-survey to be eligible to receive your fall prevention bags.
The pre-survey will include the following questions and criteria. Please gather the requested information prior to beginning the pre-survey.
What is the average age range of falls patients admitted to your hospital?
Where do most falls occur? (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, garage, stairs, basement, directly outside of the home, at another location other than the home, or N/A-hospital does not collect such data.)
How many patients 55+ were seen in the Emergency Department or admitted to your hospital after sustaining a fall in the previous year?
How many patients are male/female?
How many of the patients 55+ returned either the Emergency Department or hospital due to a fall?
Does your outreach coordinator or other hospital staff educate at senior centers or formal classes (such as Matter of Balance or Healthy Steps)?
During the distribution of the bags, you will be asked to keep a running record on a spreadsheet provided by ATSPA. Upon complete distribution of the bags, we ask that you return the completed spreadsheet for ATSPA records.
When requesting fall prevention bags, ATSPA staff will ask you to commit to the following:
I understand the fall prevention bags are to be distributed to older individuals (55+) who have had sustained a recent fall and are leaving the Emergency Department, being discharged from the hospital, being educated at a senior center, or receiving education through a formal class such as Matter of Balance or Healthy Steps.
I understand the fall prevention bags may NOT be distributed at a Senior Fair or any other walk/drive through education as members must still gather demographic data which would be more difficult in those settings.
I understand that a staff member must review bag contents and fall prevention messaging with the receiving individual. Education must be conducted prior to distribution.